Greenlitfest community site - Green Lit Fest is a pioneering festival that aims to celebrate and promote green literature. It amplifies the role of green literature in shaping dialogues, environmental consciousness, education and more.

India’s First Green Literature Festival

curated by SustainabilityNext


To celebrate the best of Green Literature in India To promote reading, writing, teaching, and publishing green literature through a vibrant platform To curate honour lists for environmental literature


To build a robust ecosystem of green literature for readers, publishers, authors, NGOs, business bodies, public policy forums, education institutions, among others.

Mahatma Gandhi has written a testimonial.
What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.

Mahatma Gandhi

 MS Swaminathan has written a testimonial.
If agriculture goes wrong, nothing else will have a chance to go right in the country.

MS Swaminathan

Indian geneticist

Frances Moore Lappé has written a testimonial.
Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.

Frances Moore Lappé

Author, Diet for a Small Planet

David Attenborough has written a testimonial.
The question is, are we happy to suppose that our grandchildren may never be able to see an elephant except in a picture book?

David Attenborough

Life On Our Planet

Jane Austen has written a testimonial.
They are much to be pitied who have not been given a taste for nature early in life.

Jane Austen



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